Outreach Projects
Opportunities to reach out with books — Books Are Changing Lives! When asked what was the greatest commandment, Jesus responded, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22. In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus challenges us to “Go and do likewise” Luke 10. As YWAM Publishing, we invite you to partner with us as we respond to the open doors before us.

Homes of Hope Donation Project
We are now partnering with YWAM’s Homes of Hope International ministries!
We place a starter-library of 51 Spanish-language Christian books from our Christian Heroes: Then & Now and Christian Heroes for Young Readers book series in each new home being built. The Homes of Hope ministry has been building homes for the poor since the first house went up in Tijuana, Mexico in 1990. Since then, they have built over 8,000 homes worldwide!
We are partnering with them in their Spanish language countries. Since we started this partnership last year, Christian libraries have been placed in more than 60 newly constructed homes. For more info on Homes of Hope go to: ywamhomesofhope.org. As literature is scarce in these impoverished neighborhoods, it is our belief that these books for young readers and families will end up being shared around the communities, reaching many with the Christian witness.
- $61.20 will place 51 Christian Heroes: Then & Now books in Spanish into a newly constructed home for an impoverished Spanish-speaking family living in Mexico.

Prison Donation Project
Working in conjunction with Prison Alliance, we have developed a project to reach US prison inmates with the gospel via the life-changing Christian Heroes: Then & Now biography series. We now have the opportunity to make these impactful portrayals of the Christian life available to over 1.3 million inmates. That's 50 percent of the entire US prison population!
Financial assistance from ministry partners has enabled us to deliver a 64-book set (42 in English and 22 in Spanish) of the Christian Heroes: Then & Now to a US prison for only $77.10. Prison Alliance has provided access to deliver these sets of books to 2,005 prisons and jails. These facilities average 1,000 inmates each, which will make the books available to over 1.3 million men and women in prison.
Please consider joining with us in this important undertaking. If requested, we will provide you with the name of your sponsored prison or prisons so that you can pray, individually or as a family, for prisoners as they encounter through story the lives of your "missionaries" to these prisons.
In my nearly 40 years in Christian publishing, I see this project as unparalleled in its potential and promise to impact the lives of those who need to hear the credible and applicable gospel presentation that these books provide.
Books have already been delivered to 1,901 prisons, but your help is needed to accomplish the goal.
- $77.10 will deliver 64 Christian Heroes:
Then & Now titles to one US prison (only
$1.20 per book)

Cuba Donation Project
For years we have unsuccessfully been looking for an opportunity to get Spanish language Christian Hero biographies into Cuba. That door has finally opened!
In partnership with Action International Ministries, the printing, and distribution of Christian Heroes: Then & Now titles is now taking place in CUBA!
Brian Stewart, Action's Cuba Director, writes, "Christian books are scarce in Cuba, and when available they are normally reserved for pastors. To have these books available for teens and college students is an amazing blessing! We are grateful to YWAM for this opportunity."
Due to Cuba's isolation over the past decades, believers there understand 'missionaries' to be church-planters within their culture. They are not aware of the rich cross-cultural missions history of the Church outside their borders.
"Names that are well-known to us, such as William Carey, George Muller, Hudson Taylor, and David Livingstone, are unknown in Cuba," Stewart says. "So the richness of those lives and testimonies has not been available for them to learn from, and be inspired by."
300 copies of "George Muller" and 300 copies of "Hudson Taylor" have already been printed and distributed in Cuba, and there are plans to print thousands more.
Please consider joining with us in this important project. Your gift of only $3 per book will challenge readers to a deeper and living walk with God, plant the seed of world missions in this isolated country, and impact the lives of many as each book will have multiple readings as it is passed by hand from reader to reader.

Books Where Needed Most Project
We often have requests to provide books to others in need. Your generous gift here will be used to send books to fulfill these requests. We have requests for free books from youth groups, missionary outreaches, community outreaches, group homes, nursing homes, prisons outside the Unites States, and the list goes on.
Your donation here will be used towards one of these requests.
- You can write in the amount you would like to give